Attention: Families Who Have A Teen Struggling With Anxiety

New Breakthrough Method Shows You   

How To Help Your Teen Escape Anxiety For GOOD

Without Any Prior Experience, Training, Knowledge,

(Or Literally Any Idea Where To Even Start!)

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Teen Anxiety is Becoming an Epidemic, And The Pain is Real

-A Note From Dana

Parents everywhere are telling us the same story.

"My teen struggles just doing normal activities."

I know EXACTLY how that feels, because that was the reality our daughter faced every day. We would have done anything to help her, and we felt like we'd tried it all - medications, therapy, prayer, you name it ...
We went through all the stages of emotion.

We felt paralyzed from total overwhelm, too scared to try anything because we didn't know where to start.

After all, we weren't equipped to handle this. We didn't get a manual on what to do for a teen struggling with anxiety when we brought her home from the hospital.

What if we tried something and it didn't work? Or worse yet - what if we tried something and we screwed it up and made it WORSE?

Over and over again, we were plagued with the question, "What's really the best route to take?"

Nothing Seemed to Help

We all felt SO stuck. 

Sure- we'd have some good days where our teen was happy. She smiled and laughed. Sometimes she'd even reflect on her anxious times and say things like,

"Yeah, I don't even know why I felt that way yesterday." 

(Sigh of relief.)  We'd start to think it was all blowing over.

 "Maybe she's better. Maybe it was just a phase." 

And we'd hope and pray for the best that it was just a phase.
But it wasn't.
Before long, we'd be back back in the same gut-wrenching place.

We could see it on her face- she'd taken a downward turn again.

It was heart breaking. This wasn't who she really was, but somehow the anxiety made her seem like she was someone else.
And we didn't have any answers.
We didn't understand what triggered it or why it was so bad. 

Why she'd...
-lock herself in her room. 

-Dig her heels in and refuse to go to school. 

-Refuse to do anything that required her to be in a social environment. 

Plus the endless tears and screaming matches ...

The slamming doors ...
The sadness and unrest ...
The confusion and frustration ...
The anger and hopelessness ...

She was so paralyzed by it she said she would rather be dead.    The scariest part is that she was serious.

We had no idea what to do.

Do we send her to a psychologist?

Do we medicate her?

Do we have her committed?

It felt like there were more questions than answers. 

And to make matters worse, it was affecting our whole family. 

Lines of communication between all members of the family were broken. 

Parent at war with parent. 

Parents at war with teen. 

Siblings at war with siblings. 

Everyone was desperate to gain control because EVERYONE wanted this anxiety to stop wreaking havoc on our home. 

And most heartbreaking of all ...

Our teen felt like she was broken.

Like she was wired wrong.

She was embarrassed.

She was confused.

And she felt guilty because she could see the toll it was taking on the family.  

The Truth is, A Teen May do Almost Anything to Escape 

They need our help before the inevitable happens. Before they turn on themselves. 

Maybe they begin self-harm like cutting. Or maybe they internalize it and you never see the damage they're doing to themselves. 
Maybe they turn to their phone, trying to drown out the world around them instead of working on a solution.
Or they turn to other sedatives. Maybe you know about the sedatives. Then again, maybe you don't.
But a parent KNOWS when their teen is on a trail of self-destruction and would do ANYTHING to get them out of it.

Too many families live daily with fear and concern for the physical health and wellness of their teen.

Everyone is stressed, worried, and on constant suicide watch. God forbid they be left alone for even a minute. One question begins to haunt the thoughts of everyone in the home... 

Could it be so bad that they even take their own life?

Does This Story Sound All Too Familiar?

This is simply part of our story. We've been deep in the trenches with anxiety. We've experienced the severe pain and desperation that parents in these shoes go through.

Then we discovered a seven-step process that made ALL the difference for our daughter. 

This process helped us smash through the anxiety-inducing triggers so she could finally begin to properly process and defeat anxiety once and for all. 

And today, she is a totally different girl. The one we knew was there all along. Happy, healthy, and anxiety free. 

Want to Learn How We Helped Our Teen Defeat Anxiety?

Read on. But First...

Consider The Possibilities That Exist For A Family WITHOUT Anxiety ...

  • The teen is thriving in normal daily life and has a new hope and excitement for the future.
  • ​The parents know exactly what to do and are fully equipped to help their teen when anxious moments come along.
  • Channels of communication are open, honest, and transparent. Spouses are united in the war against anxiety, and their teen seeks them out for support and guidance.
  • Peace has been restored in the home with the entire family and all members are now bonded closer than ever.

These possibilities are why we developed our "Uncover Anxiety Method
and have been training other parents how they too can help their teen at home. 

What Exactly IS The Uncover Anxiety Method?

If you're ready to learn more about "The Uncover Anxiety Method" simply hit the button below and fill out the information. 

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